Coffee & Dessert

(Republic of Korea/ Naebang/ 내방) Ice einspanner from Taeyang coffee

승도치 2021. 12. 15. 10:10





Hi, ya'll~


The place I would like to share today is called, 




Taeyang Coffee



The picture above is the menu from Taeyang coffee!



If you chose to have einspanner, you would have to choose from 

3 options and they are:


1. Espresso+water+cream (Americano+cream)

2. Espresso+milk+cream (Latte+cream)

3. Cold brew+cream




Since Taeyang Coffee is well known for Einspanner, 

I ordered Einspanner!


I was recommended to order Espresso+milk+cream, 

so I ordered Espresso+milk+cream!




The interior of the Taeyang Coffee was very small.

I was planning to enjoy the einspanner with a book, 

but I was lucky to just have a seat without a table.


There was also a benchlike seat and that was where I sat.


Because of the seatbeing, I quickly finished my einspanner and 

headed outside because the place was being more crowded.



The picture above was the signage to mark that it was the Taeyang Coffee.

I almost missed the place.

If it were not for the crowds gathering at the entrance, 

I may have not been able to find the place!


It was sad how I was not able to take time to 

enjoy the einspanner, but it was a good einspanner :)


Taeyang Coffee is located about 6minutes away from Naebang Station exit#7.




I have also attached map below.

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!








