Coffee & Dessert

(Republic of Korea/ Coex/ 코엑스) Ice Americano from NUNU Coffee

승도치 2021. 11. 26. 10:10



Hi, ya'll~
Today, the place I would like to share is called, 
NUNU Coffee



My date and I met after work and 
had dinner and were looking for a place to drink 
We both like Ethiopian coffee, 
so we ordered two ice americano 
made with Ethiopian coffee beans!
As you can see, NUNU cafe is opened 
MON-FRI 8am-9pm
SAT-SUN 10am-9pm
The tables are spaced out and the place was quiet 
when we visited.
There were christmas tree with lighting set up :)
and the place also has cakes and desserts as well.
NUNU coffee had good coffee :)
So if you would like to enjoy coffee at a quiet place, 
I would recommend NUNU coffee!
NUNU Coffee is in the COEX mall!


I have also attached map below.

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!






