Coffee & Dessert

(Republic of Korea/ Seonjeongneung/ 선정릉) Dacquoise from Dessert room

승도치 2021. 12. 21. 10:10

(선정릉) 다쿠아즈가 맛있는 데쎄르룸



Hi, ya'll~


Have you guys heard of Dacquoise?


The place I would like to share today is called, 



Dessert Room







I was feeling sweets and coffee and

as I was searching for a good place to order in the dessert, 

I found the Dessert Room!



I have not tried Dacquoise that much, 

so I have decided to try some!




I've ordered few Dacquoise from the menu!


It was raspberry, ganache, lemon, apple cinnamon :)


Dacquoise had soft sweet bakery and had fillings inside!

It was like Macarons, but with soft shells :)





Having a chance to enjoy something new was 

very exciting!


Dacquoise with coffee was a good combination :)


Dessert Room is located

about 4minutes away from Seonjeongneung Station exit#1



I have also attached map below.

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!





