Coffee & Dessert

(Republic of Korea/ Paldang/ 팔당) Korean style Donuts Myeon Po Do Gung

승도치 2021. 9. 13. 11:30


Hi Ya'll~~

When you hear the word donuts, what shape pops up in your head?

Is it round with a hole in the middle
with chocolate, strawberry, vanilla coating on top? 🍩

Well... for me,
donuts are usually filled with red bean paste
donut shape tied up in knots with lots of sugar sprinkled on them

I love the round coated donuts,
but I also love Korean styled donuts as well!

The place I would like to share today is called

Myeon po do gung

I don't know if the name has any meaning to the name,

but after searching, my date and I have found that this plac was well known for
fresh baked donuts

This donut shop is mainly a take out place

There is Paldang Dam and place to walk around so people
with bikes and who come out for a walk seem to stop by to
pick-up donuts :)


By the time my date and I have got there,
there was already a line waiting to order donuts

There is a clear wall between where the guests stand and where the donuts are being
fried, so it is even entertaining to watch the donuts being made like the pictures above

My date has never eaten the white bean paste donut before,
so we ordered

1 twisted donuts to share (they are called "GGua-bae-gi")
2 round donuts made of sticky rice (they are called "Chop-ssal donuts")
1 set of white bean paste donuts (there were 3 donuts in 1 set they are called "SSeng donuts")


The donuts were oily and sweet as
donuts are supposed to be

It was a perfect snack for to go

If you think you are going to be too full to eat everything,
I would recommend you to eat the sticky rice donut first
because they taste the best when it is warm



But because it is made of rice,
it may get harder as it gets cold

But it is so obvious every snack/meal tastes the best
when it is fresh and warm

Did ya'll enjoy today's posting?

I hope you guys try out some new styled donuts and enjoy :)

Once you try the bean paste donuts and the sticky rice donuts,
you would understand what I meant (wink wink lol)



I have also attached map below.

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!







