
(Republic of Korea/ Hanti/ 한티) Tteokbokki and soondae and fried goods from Youngdong Tteokbokki

승도치 2022. 11. 2. 10:10




Hi, ya'll~

The place I would like to share today is called, 


Youngdong Tteokbokki




My date and I were craving for tteokbokki and soondai, 

so we decided to go to Youngdong Tteokbokki to try out the 

Korean styled street food!


One of the main reason for choosing Youngdong Tteokbokki 

was because of the tteok-ggo-chi.


It is the picture on the very right!




It is a fried rice cake on a stick with a sauce

mainly made with chilly paste and other mixtures of ingredients.





Overall, the food was very delicious!

It brought our after school snacks back when we were young.


I thought it would be a good place to visit

sometimes to have light snacks and to enjoy reminiscing the childhood food!



Youngdong Tteokbokki is located about 9minutes away from Hanti Station exit #7



I have also attached map below.

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!






