
(Republic of Korea/ Seolleung/ 선릉) Good chicken burger from Mom's Touch

승도치 2021. 12. 29. 10:10



Hi, ya'll~
The place I would like to share today is called, 
Mom's Touch
As far as I know, Mom's Touch is famous for 
their chicken burgers.
But since I was curious about their chicken as well, 
I ordered chicken and chicken burger to 
try them out!
When you eat chicken, which part do you mind the most?
The crispy texture?
or the 
Tender texture?
For me, I favor the tender chicken.
Because it is less painful when you bite into the chicken. lol
It may scratch the top part of your mouth and 
you could be in pain for several days after the meal... :P
It may just be me, but ANYHOW...
The chicken burger was great as I have known.
It had both crisp and the tender texture along with all the other 
On the otherhand, 
the chicken only had the crisp.
For my personal opinion,
if I am to order again from Mom's Touch,
I would order their chicken burgers :P
Maybe two with the fries on the side if I am famished.
But not chicken for the side as I did for this order.
I am pretty sure there are other positive reviews for chickens from 
Mom's Touch.
But for me, I am more in favor of their burgers than their chickens :)
Mom's Touch where I ordered in from is
about 9minutes away from Seolleung Station exit#9.


I have also attached map below.

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!






