
(Republic of Korea/ Gangnam/ 강남) Sushi buffet date from Sushi Meijin

승도치 2021. 11. 30. 10:10




Hi, ya'll~


The place I would like to share is called, 



Sushi Meijin


Sushi Meijin is all-you-can-eat sushi place!

But there are other menu than sushi!


My date and I were famished this day, 

so we have decided to go to Sushi Meijin and 

eat away!




The picture above is the entrance!

The price is as posted above :)


Weekday : Lunch - 17,900 won

              Dinner - 21,900 won


Weekend & Holidays : 22,900 won


Child : 

37months-7yrs = 7,900 won

8yrs-13yrs = 12,900 won



Sushi Meijin is opened 11:30am-22:00pm

Lunch hour is until 17:00 so if you entered for lunch, 

you have to exit by 17:00!





When I go to Sushi Meijin, I usually eat sushi!

My favorite is beef suchi, white fish sushi and salmon sushi~




If you dip the sushi with wasabi and soy sauce,

it is very scrumptious!



More pictures of sushi my date and I ate :)



We also tried other fried menus and 

finished our meal with affogato!


There was coffee machine and ice cream!


So it was good to make affogato :)



The picture above has the information for parking.

Those of ya'll who drove,

you can buy discounted parking ticket if you ate at Sushi Meijin.


If you park without the discount ticket, 

it would be 3,000 won/30minutes.


However, if you buy the discount ticket from the Sushi Meijin, 

it would be 3,500 won/2hours!


Sushi Meijin is about 6minutes away from Sinnonhyeon Station exit#5



I have also attached map below.

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!




