Coffee & Dessert

(Republic of Korea/ Bangbae/ 방배) Enjoying Einspanner from Taeyang Coffee

승도치 2021. 11. 23. 10:10


Hi ya'll~~
Today I would like to share a cafe called, 
Taeyang Coffee


I have read so many positive reviews on
Taeyang coffee Einspanner that I just had to visit and try!




There are other coffee as well, but since 
I had my purpose to try the einspanner, I ordered 
the einspanner right away!




There are three types of Einspanner!

1. Espresso+water+cream (Americano+cream)
2. Espresso+milk+cream (Latte+cream)
3. Cold brew+cream





I ordered the second choice!






Once the coffee comes out, 
the waiter gives spoon for you to have with the 
The place is very small, so it was a little crowded.
Once I received the einspanner, I drank quickly and came out for others to sit down.
I wasn't sitting at the table.
When you enter the cafe, there are few seats with the table 
and few seats like a bench for you to sit and just 
quickly enjoy your drink.
There was the coffee dripping apparatus and 
espresso machines.


Surprisingly, the picture above was the signage of the cafe.

It took me awhile for me to find the cafe.


There were many people enjoying their coffee from outside of the cafe 

because there were not enough seats in the cafe :)


I like to enjoy my coffee with a table with relaxing atmosphere.

Taeyang coffee was not my ideal type of cafe for relaxation, 

but einspanner was very delicious.


If I have another chance to visit Taeyang coffee again, 

I would like to order the third option!


Cold brew+cream!


Taeyang coffee is about 6minutes away from Naebang Station exit#7




I have also attached map below.

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!







