
(Republic of Korea/ Guui/ 구의) Tteokbokki and fried rice from Modoorang!

승도치 2022. 2. 14. 10:10



Hi, ya'll~
The place I would like to share today is called, 
Modooraan is a place for instant tteokbokki place!
There are two different types of tteokbokki place in Korea.
There are tteokbokki place where they serve on the plate 
there are tteokbokki place where they put the ingredients in the 
pot and cook it instantly after taking the order :)
The place my friend and I decided to go is
the instant tteokbokki place!
I like both types of tteokbokki place, but I personally prefer the 
instant tteokbokki place because the meal never goes cold 
because it is cooked right in front and we can always adjust the heat.
 My friend and I ordered 2 hard boiled eggs and rameon noodles 
and 1 deep fried noodle with seaweed to go with the tteokbokki.
The sauce was not too spicy.
It had just enough sweet/spicy to make the tteokbokki vey delicious.
It reminded me of the old styled tteokbokki I had as a child :)


There is another reason why I like to have instant tteokbokki.

Because you can order fried rice after you finish up the tteokbokki!




The pictures above is the process of our fried rice being cooked!


With plenty of cheese and sweet corn inside the fried rice, 

it was very great finale for the meal.



Modooraang is located about 12minutes away from Guui Station exit#1

I have also attached map below.

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!






