
(Republic of Korea/ Daechi/ 대치) Eating Tteokbokki at place from childhood memories

승도치 2022. 2. 10. 10:10
Hi, ya'll~
The place I would like to share today is called, 
Maan na boonshik
I used to go to Maan na boonshik when I was a student.
Maan na boonshik is where they have
tteokbokki, deep fried dumplings/vegetable/calamari
and other types of deep fried goods and rameon noodles, soondae and so on.
As you can guess, 
Maan na boonshik has popular Korean street food!
The pictures above is the course/set menus.
I ordered B course as a take out.
It consisted of
tteokbokki, soondae, 2 types of deep fried goods,
1 dumpling, 1 hard boiled egg, 1 fishcake :)
Once you order, 
Everything is put into one plastic bag with tteokbokki
except for the fish cake.
Fishcake and the fishcake soup is put into a separate bag.
I think having all the menus (soondae, deep fried goods, deep fried dumpling etc.) 
in the same bag with tteokbokki is a good idea.


Because the tteokbokki sauce seeps into the menus 
which makes the deep fried goods to have a softer texture and the 
sauce gets more rich by having other ingredients put together.
Maan na boonshik is located about 3minutes away from Daechi Station exit#3




I have also attached map below.

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!





