
(Republic of Korea/ Itaewon/ 이태원) Slice of scrumptious pizza from Want a slice!

승도치 2021. 11. 27. 10:10




Hi, ya'll~


The place I would like to share today is called, 




Want a Slice




The pictures above is the exterior of 

Want a Slice!




My friend and I were searching for a 

good burger place this day, but the places that we wanted 

to visit was either on break time or closed for the day!



We were passing by and smelled pizza on our way.

We were famished, but we suddenly were craving for pizza.


Pizza could never be wrong for a hearty meal!





The picture above is the menu.



My friend and I ordered Meat Lover.


The tomato sauce was tasty!


Toppings are important for pizzas.

But I personally think that the most important thing for the

pizza is the sauce on top of the pizza!






The place was not that big, but it was quiet when 

my friend and I visited.


We sat by the window and had our slice of pizza :)


One slice was so big that it was enough for one full meal!





The pictures above is the interior of Want a Slice!

There were also t-shirts and items of Want a Slice.





Want a Slice is about 8minutes away from Noksapyeong Station exit#2




I have also attached map below.

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!






