Coffee & Dessert

(Republic of Korea/ Paju/ 파주) Fresh cream cake and coffee from Rumi cake

승도치 2021. 11. 21. 10:10





Hi ya'll~~


The place I would like to share is called, 



Rumi cake







My friend and I have went on an adventure to Paju.



We were walking around and since we have been 

walking around for awhile, we were very much in need of 

coffeine and sweets :)








When I was searching for a cafe, I found Rumi cake!

I wanted to visit Rumi cake because they 

were cake place making cake with fresh cream!



Usually there are cakes made with whipped cream because 

they are easy to make shapes and can stay in shape longer than 

the fresh cream.



We ordered drinks and earl grey cake.


The cake was just perfect!

It was not too sweet and it didn't have strong earl grey taste.


It had soft hint of earl grey scent which made the cake 

not too concentrated on earl grey.



My friend ordered fruity soda and I ordered iced coffee.



The freshness of fresh cream and slight earl grey scent 

went very well with our drinks :)








I have also attached map below.

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!






