
(Republic of Korea/ Seolleung/ 선릉) Fried mushroom in the burger!

승도치 2021. 11. 5. 10:10

​Hi, ya'll~~


I would like to share the burger shop I decided 

to order in for delivery!



The place is called, 




Bas Burger





Have ya'll heard of the Bas Burger?



​I have only heard of them and have not yet tried them, 

so I have decided to order as a delivery!



I ordered mushroom burger and was surprised!


Because to me, mushroom burger is just a 

burger with mushroom in it.


But the mushroom burger I had from 

the Bas Burger, mushroom was fried!


Fried mushrooms in the burger!


Having the mushrooms fried, 

the texture was much more rich and the 

scent of the mushroom made the burger

so much savory!




Fries are always perfect with the burger!


I ordered mushroom burger and fries for delivery and

the cajun seasoned fries that came with the burger

went well with the burger!​




One more thing!


I found out as I was cleaning up after I finished the meal!






The white apparatus from the picture above!


When I touched it, it was still alittle warm.

It was a hot pack to keep the food warm during the delivery!


I was touched by how thoughtful the waiter/waitress was for 

considering the warmth of the food!



​For those of ya'll who want to visit the restaurant

and eat at the restaurant,

Bas Burger is about 9minutes walk from Seolleung Station exit#1





I have also attached google map and english address

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!

