Study of Tarot/Moonology

(Moonology) Fixed Moon

승도치 2023. 2. 17. 10:10


*Special Moon Cards* (12cards)


[Fixed Moon]

*There are 2 possibilities

- Either you have a firm stand in any situation

- Or you are stuck in a situation (Not being stubborn will be the key to solve the situation and to provide yourself a chance to look back)


- Need patience

- Someone has to stand aside

- Don't be depressed

- A long relationship


The teaching


*In astrology, there are three quadruplicities and fixed signs

Three quadruplicities: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable

Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius


The Fixed signs can be stubborn, so anything that’s just starting as you draw this card may well last longer, so there’s no judgment when we say that while it’s admirable how much staying-power the Fixed signs have, they can also be obstinate.


(Remember, we each have all the star signs in our chart - it’s just the way the astrological wheel works)

Hope ya'll have sweet day :)

Thanks for visiting my blog!




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