Study of Tarot/Moonology

(Moonology) New Moon in Scorpio

승도치 2022. 12. 26. 10:10


*New Moon Cards* (12cards)


[New Moon in Scorpio]

- Reborn

- New beginning

- It is time to reveal your charm

- There is a relationship that can make you come closer with

- It is time to satisfy one's grudge

- Do not be jealous or obsess

- Break away from delusion

- Invest


*This card is a sign of death and resurrection*


- You feel mystical energy although you are in darkness

- It is time to gain light by being in the dark side

Hope ya'll have sweet day :)

Thanks for visiting my blog!




'Study of Tarot > Moonology' 카테고리의 다른 글

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