Study of Tarot/Wisdom of the Oracle

(Wisdom of the Oracle) #45 Time to Go

승도치 2022. 9. 5. 10:10



Hi, ya'll~

Card #45 is, 



Time to Go




It is now time to move on to new experience and new existing method

Key word = end/ complete/ letting something go/ leaving after mastering something



- You have learned and experienced everything you can from here

- It is time for you to become a 'new you' by taking risks and by actively moving on

- Farewell, drift, end of spiritual contract, but it is more of liberation than destruction

- The end is just another sign of a new start

- Luck is requesting you to end this page

- If you close the door to the area you are in, other new door will open

- It is time to end the work you have been doing so far

- It is time to take a new chance




Think of it as taking a rest than ending it. If you accept the truth, you won't lose anything and gain everything.


- End to something does not mean losing everything

- It is just part of the process to rest a while and move on to the next page




Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!
