Study of Tarot/Wisdom of the Oracle

(Wisdom of the Oracle) #38 To Be Fair

승도치 2022. 8. 19. 10:10



Hi, ya'll~

Card #38 is, 



To Be Fair




Farmers will collect what they planted
Key word = balance/ justice/ need to consider options/ mutual interests/ law of cause and effect




- Make balance between what you have to do and what you need to do

- If you want to be understood, you have to understand the opponent

- If you want to deliver a message, listen first

- The best relationship comes from respect

- Be fair to everyone with open and objective mind

- Everything needs to be rewarded fairly

- Justice will win and will receive what it is worth

- Fair trade is needed at this time

- Remain balanced




If your motive is just, the situation will result with the best advantage


- If your goal is based on being fair, things will have a fine resolution and will bring happiness to others





Hope ya'll have sweet day

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