Study of Tarot/Moonology

(Moonology) New Moon in Aries

승도치 2022. 10. 21. 10:10




New Moon has 12 cards and it defines "the new beginning" and "restart"



*New Moon Cards* (12cards)

[New Moon in Aries]

- You are on the right path
- You still have a long way to go, but the fire of the Aries will take you to success
- Don't forget your manners by being hasty
- Take care of others around you as you move on
- Do your best and be happy
- Don't show off
- Need long-term plans for your goal
- Appeararance of new man



Do not forget your manners by being hasty. Take care of the others around you


- You are on the right path and a good road

- You still have a long way to go, but the fire within the Aries will take you to a successful road




Hope ya'll have sweet day :)

Thanks for visiting my blog!




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