Study of Tarot/Wisdom of the Oracle

(Wisdom of the Oracle) #14 Truth be Told

승도치 2022. 5. 30. 10:10

Hi, ya'll~

The card #14 is,


Truth Be Told

To accept the sitation as it is/ Trying to be clear/ explicit in communication

Key word = strong will to be explicit/ honest



- If you speak honestly, other people will open their minds to communicate with you

- Have a sincere communication with the person

- Speak truth and listen

- Look into your inner self

- Ask yourself if you are earnest in what you are doing, if you really like what you are doing




Do not burden yourself with deception and denial 



- Doing your best is one of the essential way to move on forward

- You may be in a relationship connected to lies. Refuse lies and choose sincerity




Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!

