Study of Tarot/Wisdom of the Oracle

(Wisdom of the Oracle) #6 Not for You

승도치 2022. 5. 11. 10:10


Hi, ya'll~

Card #6 is, 



Not for you




Know that it is not yours. Knowing when to refuse and a power to refuse will protect you

Key word = Power to refuse is a gift



- You will not get what you want right away

- Realize that what you want cannot all be granted

- Trust that better things are coming

- Let go to be peaceful

- A relationship that were not meant to be




Do not chase after things that is running away from you.

Trust that there are better things coming and the current pain is just a process for a happy future.



- Let go of the things out of your reach

- Do not obsess over things that slips away




Hope ya'll have sweet day

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