

승도치 2021. 9. 23. 10:15


Hi ya'll~~~

How was your day today?



I have a hobby to take pictures of the sky!

They are calming and soothing.



Have you guys looked at the sky today?

If not, I will share the picture I took!



The clouds passing by the bridge seems very mysterical and dreamy.







What would you like to telll the sky today?


When I talk to the sky I would usually ask questions that I do not understand.



Even though it is a obvious question, sky would not judge :P



Just by talking to the sky about random things,

It may not happen all the time,

I think that is where I get some answers to my questions or new ideas.


Maybe it is because I can have thoughts organized without any distracting ideas.



How about looking up at the sky today and start a random question?

Maybe it might help with getting some answers :)




Well, that was the gibberish of the day :)


Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!





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