
(Republic of Korea/ Seonjeongneung/ 선정릉) Pizza and spaghetti from Bistro Pizza

승도치 2021. 11. 11. 10:10

(배달) 비스트로피자






Hi, ya'll~~


When I think of delivery food,

pizza or chicken mainly comes to my mind.


How about ya'll?



Today, I would like to share a place I delivered from!

The place is called, 



Bistro Pizza




When I order, I usually order

combination, pepperoni or margherita pizza.



But I ordered

hawaiian pizza today since I was feeling

more fruity.








Pizza and pasta always makes 

good combination!


Tomato sauce pasta with corn, meat and rich cheese 

made my day!









Bistro pizza also gives white yogurt sauce, 

but since I prefer eating pizza with 

tobasco sauce, I requested extra pickles instead :)




Bistro Pizza is

about 16minutes away from Seonjeongneung Station exit#1







I have also attached map below.

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!




