Coffee & Dessert

(Republic of Korea/ Yeonnam/ 연남) Victoria cake and coffee from cafe Highwaist

승도치 2021. 10. 26. 10:10




Hi, ya'll~~~



The place I would like to share with ya'll is called,



Cafe Highwaist



The place was cozy and calming!

The bakeries were assembled together on a table.

They looked so colorful and well arranged.



My friend and I just had to try the 

victorian cake and scone with our coffee!


I ordered iced americano as usual and 

my friend ordered warm latte!


I think coffee and baked goods are a good combo!

Sweet and bitter seem to fit well with each other :)


Because I liked the dessert table so much, 

I had to take more pictures :)


The picture above is taken with the filter!


The place is not so big, 

but how the furnitures were arranged with 

the dessert creates soothing atmosphere.


With these atmosphere, 

I was able to have a wonderful coffee and dessert 

moment with my friend :)





The pictures from above and below 

is the exterior of Cafe Highwaist!


Grey tone walls and cream colored door 

made me feel calming and soothing :)






Cafe Highwaist is about 16minutes from Hongik Univ. Station exit#3








I have also attached map below.

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!


