Study of Tarot/Moonology

(Moonology) Full Moon in Pisces

승도치 2023. 2. 1. 10:10


*Full Moon Cards* (12cards)


[Full Moon in Pisces]

- Think if you are distance from reality

- You need to think of practical alternatives to achieve your goal

- Find balance between responsibility and dream

- Stop being a hypocrite


*It’s a time to send out your dreams to the Universe, releasing your fears.

- Comeback to reality

- Follow your instincts

- For the worst, your dreams may end

- Soulmate

- Drug abuse if definitely out of question


The teaching


*Practicality is at odds with the lumious Piscean energies that have no borders, so feel your way now. Psychic ability is heightened when the Full Moon is in Pisces, and soulmates now connect. 


- Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac.

- Full Moon in Pisces symbolically marks endings.

- Time to dive deep into your emotions.

Hope ya'll have sweet day :)

Thanks for visiting my blog!




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