
(Republic of Korea/ Paju/ 파주) Going on donut spree on weekend to Malddong Donut Dessert Town

승도치 2022. 9. 26. 10:10



Hi, ya'll~
The place I would like to share today is called, 
Malddong Donut Dessert Town
My date and I visited this place during the weekend.
We did expect there to be a lot of people, but the line was really really really long!
We waited more than 30minutes and on the way to order the donuts, 
we saw variety selection of jelly, cakes on display.
We thought Malddong Donut Dessert Town only sold donuts before we visited the place, 
but it seemed like they also sold jelly and cakes!
Since Malddong Donut Dessert Town was famous for their donuts, 
we patiently waited in line for the donuts!
After a long waiting, we finally reached the donut display!
Because there were so many before us, some donuts were already sold out.
The pictures above is the beverage and donut menus!
Although some donuts were sold out, there were still a lot of donuts left!
My date and I chose 5 donuts from the display.
I selected lemon flavored donut, chocolate powdered donut, chocolate coated donut 
and my date chose a donut with rainbow colored cereals on top and a vanilla powdered donut with cherry on top.
There were also milkshakes on the beverage menu.
But we thought since the donuts are sweet, it was wise to have the 
donuts with the iced americano because the sweet to sweet combination 
would make it extremely sweet... lol
Too much sugar may cause sugar high and my date and I were definitely not ready to 
take in 'that' much sugar... hahaha
The donuts didn't have the fillings inside.
It was donut with coated topping.
The donuts were packaged neatly in a cute pink box!
Personally, if I were to choose my best donut from our selection,
I would choose the lemon flavored donut.
It was not so sweet and the citric flavor made the 
donut very tasty :)
My date's pick was the rainbow colored cereal topped donut :)
The donut had strawberry flavored icing on top with the rainbow colored cereal.
The crunchy texture and strawberry flavored icing
was just so perfectly balanced that it was addicting!
But overall,
there were nothing much special about the flavor of the donuts from the Malddong Donut Dessert Town.
I think it was mainly just the atmosphere and the concept.
So if you are having donut cravings and would like to 
try something unique, I think it is worth trying donuts from Malddong Donut Dessert Town!
The pictures below are the exterior of the Malddong Donut Dessert Town that 
I took while waiting in a long long long line and from the window seat that we sat on the
second floor trying out the donuts with the iced americano! :)



I have also attached map below.

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!






