
(Republic of Korea/ Goyang/ 고양) Delicious burgers from Lazy Burger Club

승도치 2022. 7. 20. 10:10



Hi, ya'll~
The place I would like to share today is called, 
Lazy Barger Club





My date found a great burger place he wanted to visit, 

so we went on a exciting burger spree~


The pictures above is the menu of the Lazy burger club!


The place was widely spread

There were seats on the first floor, second floor and the terrace.


My date and I ordered from the first floor and decided to 

take a seat on the second floor because the terrace seats may be 

too hot :p





I wanted to try the simple original burger, 

so I ordered classic cheese burger and my date ordered lazy garlic!




As you can see, 



the picture on the left is the classic cheese burger


the picture on the right is the lazy garlic!



The classic cheese burger that I ordered was delicious.



However, after trying my date's lazy garlic,

I thought it was even more delicious!



The patties in the burgers were all very juicy and scrumptious.


So the only differences would be the ingredients in the burger.



I think the garlic chips on the burger made the 

texture of the burger more crispy and added more rich flavors

and made the burger to taste less greasy!








After ordering the menu from the first floor, 

the condiments and the wet tissues and dried napkins

are set for ya'll to take as ya'll would like!





The pictures above are the exterior of the Lazy burger club.
I have also attached map below.

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!




