
(Republic of Korea/ Yeonnam/ 연남) Healthy and hearty meal from Solsot!

승도치 2022. 3. 2. 10:10



Hi, ya'll~
The place I would like to share today is called, 
My friend and I were out at Hongik Univ. Station and 
we chose to have a healthy meal this day.
We found Solsot and decided to go and try the steak sotbop!
Sot is a steamed bowl in Korean.
Bop is rice in Korean.
Therefore sotbop is rice in a steamed bowl.
My friend and I ordered steak sotbop.
Once the food is served,
we mixed up the rice and the egg yolk and the ingredients
in the steamed bowl and move the mixed rice
to the empty bowl placed next to the steamed bowl.
After emptying the steamed bowl,
we poured the water in the bowl and added crust of overcooked rice 
and put the steamed bowl top on top!
My friend and I had bowl of steak rice and 
cooked rice crust for a small refreshments/dessert(?)
The picture above is the menu of Solsot.
My friend and I were able to enjoy the healthy, hearty meal.
Solsot is located about 10minutes away from Hongik Univ. Station exit#3


I have also attached map below.

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!




