Coffee & Dessert

(Republic of Korea/ Yeonnam/ 연남) Sweet hot chocolate with croiffles

승도치 2022. 2. 3. 10:10



Hi, ya'll~
The place I would like to share today is called, 
My date and I had cute hot chocolate on our first date :P
It was our second anniversary,
so we were planning to visit the same place for our memories.
But since the place was no longer there, so we decided to visit
different hot chocolate place to celebrate/ to remember our first date :)
The pictures above is the exterior of the MERITREE.


When we visited the place, it was very crowded.
We waited for awhile and were lucky to get our table by the window.
The place was not so big, but it was very cozy.
My date and I ordered two cups of hot chocolate and croiffle!
For the croiffle, we ordered half and half.
It was half of original croiffle and half of chestnut black bean croiffle.
I thought the chestnut black bean croiffle can be 
too sweet, but it was very delicious with cinnamon scent!
I personally love cinnamon and the croiffles and 
cinnamon scent made the dessert very tasty!
We had such a memorable dessert time from MERITREE that
I wanted to visit this place again with my date lateron.
The croiffles were unforgettable.
Maybe next time, my date and I can order 
croiffles with iced americano :)
MERITREE is about 17minutes away from Hongik Univ. Station exit#3




I have also attached map below.

Feels great to share places where I had precious memories
Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!



