
Connection/ Communication

승도치 2021. 9. 17. 10:20

Hi ya'll


Usually, how would you start a conversation?


Today for no reason,

I have been thinking about

how magical the human connections can get.



Connections could be made because 

of the same interest.


For example,

the students at a school orientation.


They could have applied because they were interested in 

the same programs at the school,


They may have similar reasons for chooing the school,


Or they just came because they had to.


For other example,

the conversations can start in a concert as well.



They could have come because they love the performer 

who will perform in a concert, 




they think the performance may be boring

but just tagged along

because their family loves the 



There are many places with people 

and the small talkes can start up a new relationship anywere



But all those relationships have one thing in common


The conversation sparks

when two or more people have similar interests.


Those coinciding moments 

are what keeps the conversation going!



But the magical part is,

people tend to stay in their bubbles

because those personal bubbles feel very secure.



I mean there are some exceptions.

These exceptions

are why the magical moments happen in the first place.



People with more interest


people who still feel tolerable

even outside of their bubble would start the conversation.


It could be any words or actions.


It could be


a waive,

a simple hi,

a smile,


and if the other person has the courage

to respond to those magical signs and step out of their bubble,

the moment triggers.



There are no confirmed spell

to those conversation starting magical starting words.



But once spoken,

even though it may be small,

a weak connection would be made.


Although you may never meet

the person again after that small moment,

those times when you have small connections are very special.


As I grow old each year,

I find having connections are the most difficult thing.


Not just having connections, 

but maintaining them is also a task.


You would think a very close people would 

not need to care much to 

maintain the bond.


However, it is THE closest people 

that we actually need to put most of our effort into 

to keep the bond energy going.



Well, that was the gibberish of the day :)



Hope ya'll have sweet day

Thanks for visiting my blog!









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